If you ever wondered what is the world’s most expensive hotel here is the answer. The most expensive hotel is one located elsewhere in the Corniche of Abu Dhabi in the UAE. The hotel’s name is: The Emirates Palace Hotel. What this hotel has to offer and how much?

Emirates Palace offers a variety of luxury amenities to satisfy all needs, whether you come on holiday with his family or a business meeting or an international conference.
The hotel cost more than $ 3, 000, 000, 000. 00 to build. It is adorned with gold horns, gold chandeliers and golden finials on its rooftop domes along with 1002 Swarovski crystal chandeliers. With your stay you can enjoy not only the decoration but also the 12 restaurants and about a mile of private beach. The rates for overnight stay in modest rooms begin at $ 773.

Moreover, the Palace suite has a living room, dining room and three bedrooms with a touch screen remote control room to $ 11,200.00 per night.

If you want to feel like a queen or king, if only for one night, so you can do that here. Many famous people were here, and many large companies to cooperate with this expensive hotel, you can find your notes of thanks at the official site of the hotel.

I will mention some of the names as Naomi Watts and Orlando Bloom, Lionel Richie, Meg Ryan, Cartier, American Express … You may also be Vistors in this company for the right price.Now, here are some photos of the hotel for those who still can not give themselves the opportunity to see this in person.
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